Q&A: Sonship Prayer
Received 10/23/14 Question: And now I have an issue that I would like to bring before you and solicit your help in gaining a full...
Q&A: The Meaning and Significance of Enoch
Received 1/30/14 Question: I have a couple of questions concerning Enoch (the seventh from Adam). 1) As Hebrews 11:5 makes clear, Enoch...
Q&A: Baptism for the Dead
Received 6/18/13 Question: I have a question concerning I Corinthians 15:29 and the issue that Paul states there about those “which are...
Q&A: Epaphroditus and the Mystery
Received 4/23/13 Question: I was wondering if you could give me some help with the issue in Philippians 2:25-30 concerning Epaphroditus....
Q&A: Baptismal Consequences in Israel's Program
Received 7/11/12 Question: On a different note, something that I was very glad to read about in “Appointed” was your distinction...